Registered Address: Ridgewell Works, Wootton, Nr Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV15 6ED



Filed up to 2013


Private limited with Share Capital


64 years (Incorporation date 28/07/1949)

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Company Status

Company Status


Company Status ACTIVE
SIC Code 46120
Business Activity Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals
Company Number 00471310
Type Private limited with Share Capital
Country of Registration GB
Previous Name No previous names.

Owner Verified

Not verified Not verified by director

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Directors and Secretaries

DAVRO IRON AND STEEL COMPANY LIMITED(THE) is run by 3 current directors. Directory and secretary details are extracted from Annual Returns submitted to Companies House. The latest Annual Return for DAVRO IRON AND STEEL COMPANY LIMITED(THE) was filed for the period up to 31/03/2013. Visit the Documents tab to download the latest Annual Return.

Created with Highcharts 3.0.9Chart context menuValuesCompany DirectorsMr Joseph Michael EvansMr Lee HillMr Richard John EvansMr Simon Alexander EvansMr John BarnsleyMr John BarnsleyMr John Keith DavenportMr Paul Ian Davenport19901992199419961998200020022004200620082010201220142016Mr Joseph Michael EvansDates: 13/8/1991 -

Current Directors and Secretaries

Current Officer Name Appointed Current Historical Total
Mr Joseph Michael Evans 14-08-1991 3 1 4 BUY NOW
Mr Lee Hill 12-06-2012 1 0 1 BUY NOW
Mr Richard John Evans 31-08-1995 3 1 4 BUY NOW
Current Secretary Name Appointed Current Historical Total
Mr Simon Alexander Evans 03-11-2006 3 1 4 BUY NOW

Previous Directors and Secretaries

Previous Director Name Appointed Resigned Current Historical Total
Mr John Barnsley 14-08-1991 31-08-1995 0 3 3 BUY NOW
Mr John Keith Davenport 31-08-1995 03-11-2010 0 2 2 BUY NOW
Previous Secretary Name Appointed Resigned Current Historical Total
Mr John Barnsley 14-08-1991 31-08-1995 0 3 3 BUY NOW
Mr Paul Ian Davenport 31-08-1995 03-11-2006 0 4 4 BUY NOW

No. of Employees

Number of employeesYear

Company Officers

Current directors and company secretary details are extracted from the latest Annual Return filed at Companies House, along with any amendments filed since the Return, including terminations, appointments, changes in share holdings and share capital. View the Filing History for DAVRO IRON AND STEEL COMPANY LIMITED(THE) to review details of latest changes.


The total number of employess within a company are shown for each year where they have been provided. Only large full filing companies are required to file employee figures.

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