Something about me and the purpose of this page

I live in Arica, in the north border of Chile, graduated in electronic engineering and I currently work as independent consultant for government services.

I had traveled to Asia, Europa, North and Soth America (due my work) and I guess I know some on the troubles to stay in a strange land with no command of the language. So I write these pages as a little help to visitors who came to this corner of Soth America.

We in Arica receive all over the year lots of tourism mainly from USA, Europe an Australia, due our city is one point in the "Inca Road" a system of roads which in Inca era comunicated the diferent places of the empire. The most notorious points of this road system are San Pedro de Atacama, Altiplano Chileno, Arica, Arequipa, Cuzco and Macchu Picchu (the former 3 are peruvian).

The inca road is a vey long system of roads, pavimented by hand with snone by century 14 which cover thousands of miles, many of who are still intact. This attracts many people around the world, because much elements of the Inca era still survive in our cities, and prices are very low due we are apart from conventional tourist sites. Arica is a nice point of this route due it offers the comfort of a small city, sunny beaches and small fares.

The profile of tourist who visit us is unconventional, lots of young people, with expeditionary baggage, paint blocks are most usual than cameras, also we see people of middle or third age, but not the usual kind of tourist who runs shooting everywhere, all tourist that we receive stay long seasons in every point, much of them work and saves during a couple of years to trip during one full year by this places, Few others still get marry and settle down here. Trips here are relaxed, we see during a couple of months the same gringos sun bathing every day in Playa el Laucho. The traveler who came here is special, non conventional people and trip usually in a budget.

For these kind of people I dedicate my page, and I compile information that I suposse can be usefull to help a better staying here with a restricted budget. Arica is a relaxed city, some people from the rest of our country label us as "lazy", well, maybe, but we know the art of enjoy the life much better than them.

So, if you plan to visit South America, and specifically the Inca Roads, take for sure that you will be wellcomed. And if you have any trouble or any doubt, contact me and I´ll try to help you as long as I can. Chao

Tomás Bradanovic

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